Sep 25, 2019
Tales by Tabletop is a story adapted from sessions of Dungeons and Dragons. It follows the tale of a trio of adventurers: Laeran, Rosjen, and Tem. Laeran is played by Jim Cook and voiced by Jay DeGraff. Rosjen is played by Misty Harper and voiced by Jazlyn Pintar. Tem is voiced and played by Phil Boelche. Guest voice...
Sep 18, 2019
Tales by Tabletop is a story adapted from sessions of Dungeons and Dragons. It follows the tale of a trio of adventurers: Laeran, Rosjen, and Tem. Laeran is played by Jim Cook and voiced by Jay DeGraff. Rosjen is played by Misty Harper and voiced by Jazlyn Pintar. Tem is voiced and played by Phil Boelche. Guest voice...
Sep 11, 2019
Tales by Tabletop is a story adapted from sessions of Dungeons and Dragons. It follows the tale of a trio of adventurers: Laeran, Rosjen, and Tem. Laeran is played by Jim Cook and voiced by Jay DeGraff. Rosjen is played by Misty Harper and voiced by Jazlyn Pintar. Tem is voiced and played by Phil Boelche. Guest voice...
Sep 4, 2019